Schmuckstücke für jeden Anlass - die exklusive Kollaboration von "LOOKS <span class="bywj">by Wolfgang Joop</span>" x Bijou Brigitte

Jewelry for every occasion - the exclusive coll...

To kick off spring with sparkling ease, LOOKS by Wolfgang Joop has teamed up with Bijou Brigitte to present an exclusive and limited edition jewelry collection for women and men....

Jewelry for every occasion - the exclusive coll...

To kick off spring with sparkling ease, LOOKS by Wolfgang Joop has teamed up with Bijou Brigitte to present an exclusive and limited edition jewelry collection for women and men....

Zeitlos, modern und elegant - die exklusive Outdoor Möbel Kollektion

Timeless, modern and elegant - the exclusive ou...

The focus of the brand in the area of interior is currently also on the exclusive outdoor furniture, which was launched in March 2021. With this outdoor collection, Wolfgang Joop...

Timeless, modern and elegant - the exclusive ou...

The focus of the brand in the area of interior is currently also on the exclusive outdoor furniture, which was launched in March 2021. With this outdoor collection, Wolfgang Joop...

Wolfgang Joop übernimmt Patenschaft für Orang Utan Brenda

Wolfgang Joop becomes a sponsor of rescued Oran...

On September 1, the sponsorship was sealed by a certificate: Wolfgang Joop is once again committed to animal welfare and is taking on the orangutan child Brenda as a godparent....

Wolfgang Joop becomes a sponsor of rescued Oran...

On September 1, the sponsorship was sealed by a certificate: Wolfgang Joop is once again committed to animal welfare and is taking on the orangutan child Brenda as a godparent....

Wolfgang Joop designt erste Interior-Kollektion für seine Marke LOOKS <span class="bywj">by Wolfgang Joop</span>

Wolfgang Joop designs first home collection for...

Urbane, sophisticated, decorative. Artist and designer Wolfgang Joop has created the first home collection for his brand LOOKS by Wolfgang Joop – all inspired by select design objects from his...

Wolfgang Joop designs first home collection for...

Urbane, sophisticated, decorative. Artist and designer Wolfgang Joop has created the first home collection for his brand LOOKS by Wolfgang Joop – all inspired by select design objects from his...

Wolfgang Joop ist Schirmherr des neuen Potsdamer Tierheims

Wolfgang Joop is a patron of the new Potsdam An...

Following the 2007 closure of the old Potsdam Animal Shelter, the city’s animals in need were left with nowhere to receive care for more than a decade. This situation is...

Wolfgang Joop is a patron of the new Potsdam An...

Following the 2007 closure of the old Potsdam Animal Shelter, the city’s animals in need were left with nowhere to receive care for more than a decade. This situation is...

Wolfgang Joops neue Brand LOOKS <span class="bywj">by Wolfgang Joop</span> feiert ihr Debüt in Berlin

Wolfgang Joop’s new brand LOOKS <span class="by...

In January, the first LOOKS by Wolfgang Joop Fashion Show took place at Kraftwerk Berlin: Accompanied by a video installation of images that traced Wolfgang Joop’s history, the designer presented...

Wolfgang Joop’s new brand LOOKS <span class="by...

In January, the first LOOKS by Wolfgang Joop Fashion Show took place at Kraftwerk Berlin: Accompanied by a video installation of images that traced Wolfgang Joop’s history, the designer presented...